This page is a work in progress

The Principle

The principle of Triangulation is to nail down your type based on consistent trackable patterns.

Triangulation is about gathering seperate external and unbiased data points about your type, then triangulating your type based on the consistent patterns which emerge from your data.


Triangulation is just basic math once it comes down to it. It can only provide as much as you put in. If you've got a good amount of data, your results will be accurate, but if your data is unreliable and scarce, the results won't be reliable either.

Sample Size

To have a proper guess, you need a good amount of people to have typed you

0-5 Meh
5-10 Good
10-20 Great
0-5 Outstanding

Below 5 is not enough


Every coin needs to have a high percetange of people's guesses for it to be reasonable

60% - 70% Meh
70% - 80% Good
80% - 90% Great
90% - 100% Outstanding

Below 60% and it's a coin toss

Where Do I Get Data?

OPS Typists

Avoid hearing anything from anyone about their type before you finalize your typing.
If you do, be aware of the bias

Typing Teams

Get typed by a team, and ask for the data from everyone who typed you, then use the data in the document.

Friends & Family

This is more of a last resort, but it's better than nothing.
You can do your best to try and explain the coins to people who know you, and have them tell you what their opinions are.